Light Leak
Light Leak

Glitch Text

A customizable, accessible and versatile glitch text component with more than 12 pre-built glitch effects and animations.


The ZyfloGlitchText component is a versatile and customizable text component that applies various glitch effects to the text. It offers multiple glitch styles, customizable colors, and animation options.

Add The Component

Add the following component to your project in the /components/zyflo directory:

"use client"

import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"
import { cva, type VariantProps } from "class-variance-authority"
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"
import { motion, Variants } from "framer-motion"
import {
} from "@/zyflo.config"

export const PossibleZyfloGlitchTextVariant = [
] as const

export type ZyfloGlitchTextVariant =
  (typeof PossibleZyfloGlitchTextVariant)[number]

const glitchTextVariants = cva("relative font-bold z-1", {
  variants: {
    variant: {
      color: "",
      noise: "",
      transformation: "",
      wave: "",
      pixelate: "",
      flicker: "",
      "aggressive-glitch": "",
      "disappearing-fragments": "",
      "tv-glitch": "",
      "vertical-glitch": "",
      "line-glitch": "",
      "vhs-retro-glitch": "",
      "chromatic-aberration": "",
      "color-box-glitch": ""
    size: {
      sm: "xl:text-3xl lg:text-2xl md:text-xl text-lg",
      md: "xl:text-4xl lg:text-3xl md:text-2xl text-xl",
      lg: "xl:text-5xl lg:text-4xl md:text-3xl text-2xl"
  defaultVariants: {
    variant: "color",
    size: "md"

export interface ZyfloGlitchTextProps
  extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement>,
    VariantProps<typeof glitchTextVariants> {
  text: string
  colors?: {
    text?: string
    after?: string
    before?: string
  intensity?: number
  disableAnimations?: boolean
  srOnly?: string
  label?: string

export const ZyfloGlitchText = React.forwardRef<
      colors = {
        text: "#FFFFFF",
        after: "#FF0000",
        before: "#0000FF"
      intensity = 1,
      disableAnimations = false,
  ) => {
    const glitchRef = useRef<HTMLSpanElement>(null)
    const getFontProperties = (computedStyle: CSSStyleDeclaration) => {
      return `
            font-family: ${computedStyle.fontFamily};
            font-size: ${computedStyle.fontSize};
            font-weight: ${computedStyle.fontWeight};
            font-style: ${computedStyle.fontStyle};
            letter-spacing: ${computedStyle.letterSpacing};
            text-transform: ${computedStyle.textTransform};
            line-height: ${computedStyle.lineHeight};
    const [fontProperties, setFontProperties] = useState<string>("")

    useEffect(() => {
      if (glitchRef.current) {
        const style = document.createElement("style")
        let styleContent = ""

        window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
          if (glitchRef.current) {
            const computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(glitchRef.current)
            const fontProperties = getFontProperties(computedStyle)

        if (variant === "color") {
          styleContent = `
            .glitch-wrapper-${variant} {
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              display: flex;
              align-items: start;
              justify-content: start;
              text-align: left;
            .glitch-${variant} {
              position: relative;
              color: ${colors.text};
              z-index: 1;
              display: flex;
            .glitch-${variant}:after {
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              display: block;
              content: attr(data-text);
              position: absolute;
              top: 0;
              left: 0;
              opacity: 0.8;
            .glitch-${variant}:before {
              animation: glitch-it-${variant} ${
            0.6 / intensity
          }s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94) both infinite;
              color: ${colors.before};
              z-index: -1;
            .glitch-${variant}:after {
              animation: glitch-it-${variant} ${
            0.6 / intensity
          }s cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94) reverse both infinite;
              color: ${colors.after};
              z-index: -2;
            @keyframes glitch-it-${variant} {
              0% {
                transform: translate(0);
              20% {
                transform: translate(${
                  size === "sm" ? intensity * 1 : intensity * 2
                }px, ${size === "sm" ? intensity * 1 : intensity * 2}px);
              40% {
                transform: translate(${
                  size === "sm" ? intensity * -1 : intensity * -2
                }px, ${size === "sm" ? intensity * -1 : intensity * -2}px);
              60% {
                transform: translate(${
                  size === "sm" ? intensity * 1 : intensity * 2
                }px, ${size === "sm" ? intensity * 1 : intensity * 2}px);
              80% {
                transform: translate(${
                  size === "sm" ? intensity * -1 : intensity * -2
                }px, ${size === "sm" ? intensity * -1 : intensity * -2}px);
              to {
                transform: translate(0);
        } else if (variant === "noise") {
          styleContent = `
            .glitch-wrapper-${variant} {
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              display: flex;
              align-items: start;
              justify-content: start;
              text-align: left;
            .glitch-${variant} {
              position: relative;
              color: ${colors.text};
              z-index: 1;
            .glitch-${variant}:after {
              content: attr(data-text);
              position: absolute;
              top: 0;
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              background-color: transparent;
              clip: rect(0, 900px, 0, 0);
            .glitch-${variant}:before {
              left: ${size === "sm" ? "-1px" : "-2px"};
              text-shadow: 1px 0 ${colors.text};
              animation: noise-before-${variant} ${
            3 / intensity
          }s infinite linear alternate-reverse;
            .glitch-${variant}:after {
              left: ${size === "sm" ? "1px" : "2px"};
              text-shadow: -1px 0 ${colors.text};
              animation: noise-after-${variant} ${
            2 / intensity
          }s infinite linear alternate-reverse;
            @keyframes noise-before-${variant} {
                { length: 20 },
                (_, i) => `
                ${i * 5}% {
                  clip: rect(${Math.random() * 100}px, 9999px, ${
                  Math.random() * 100
                }px, 0);
            @keyframes noise-after-${variant} {
                { length: 20 },
                (_, i) => `
                ${i * 5}% {
                  clip: rect(${Math.random() * 100}px, 9999px, ${
                  Math.random() * 100
                }px, 0);
        } else if (variant === "transformation") {
          styleContent = `
            .glitch-wrapper-${variant} {
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              display: flex;
              align-items: start;
              justify-content: start;
              text-align: left;
            .glitch-${variant} {
              position: relative;
              color: ${colors.text};
              display: flex;
              align-items: start;
              justify-content: start;
              text-align: left;
              animation: shift-${variant} ${
            4 / intensity
          }s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
              transform: skewX(0deg);
            @keyframes shift-${variant} {
              0%, 40%, 44%, 58%, 61%, 65%, 69%, 73%, 100% {
                transform: skewX(0deg);
              41% {
                transform: skewX(10deg);
              42% {
                transform: skewX(-10deg);
              59% {
                transform: skewX(35deg) skewY(10deg);
              60% {
                transform: skewX(-35deg) skewY(-10deg);
              63% {
                transform: skewX(10deg) skewY(-5deg);
              70% {
                transform: skewX(-30deg) skewY(-20deg);
              71% {
                transform: skewX(10deg) skewY(-10deg);
        } else if (variant === "wave") {
          styleContent = `
            .glitch-wrapper-${variant} {
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              display: flex;
              align-items: start;
              justify-content: start;
              text-align: left;
            .glitch-${variant} {
              position: relative;
              color: ${colors.text};
              display: inline-block;
            .glitch-${variant} span {
              position: relative;
              display: inline-block;
              animation: wave-${variant} ${
            1.5 / intensity
          }s ease-in-out infinite;
              animation-delay: calc(0.05s * var(--i));
            @keyframes wave-${variant} {
              0%, 100% {
                transform: translateY(0);
              50% {
                transform: translateY(-${size === "sm" ? 10 : 20}px);
        } else if (variant === "pixelate") {
          styleContent = `
            .glitch-wrapper-${variant} {
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              display: flex;
              align-items: start;
              justify-content: start;
              text-align: left;
            .glitch-${variant} {
              position: relative;
              color: ${colors.text};
              display: inline-block;
              animation: pixelate-${variant} ${
            1.5 / intensity
          }s steps(1, end) infinite;
            @keyframes pixelate-${variant} {
              0%, 100% {
                  -1px -1px 0 ${colors.before},
                  1px 1px 0 ${colors.after};
              25% {
                  1px -1px 0 ${colors.before},
                  -1px 1px 0 ${colors.after};
              50% {
                  1px 1px 0 ${colors.before},
                  -1px -1px 0 ${colors.after};
              75% {
                  -1px 1px 0 ${colors.before},
                  1px -1px 0 ${colors.after};
        } else if (variant === "flicker") {
          styleContent = `
            .glitch-wrapper-${variant} {
              width: 100%;
              height: 100%;
              display: flex;
              align-items: start;
              justify-content: start;
              text-align: left;
            .glitch-${variant} {
              position: relative;
              color: ${colors.text};
              display: inline-block;
              animation: flicker-${variant} ${0.5 / intensity}s linear infinite;
            @keyframes flicker-${variant} {
              0%, 19.999%, 22%, 62.999%, 64%, 64.999%, 70%, 100% {
                opacity: 1;
                text-shadow: none;
              20%, 21.999%, 63%, 63.999%, 65%, 69.999% {
                opacity: 0.5;
                  0 0 4px ${colors.text},
                  0 0 10px ${colors.before},
                  0 0 20px ${colors.after};
        } else if (variant === "vertical-glitch") {
          styleContent = `
    .glitch-wrapper-${variant} {
      position: relative;
      display: flex;
      align-items: start;
      justify-content: start;
    .glitch-${variant} {
      position: relative;
      color: ${colors.text};
      display: flex;
      align-items: start;
      justify-content: start;
      text-align: left;
    .glitch-${variant}::after {
      content: attr(data-text);
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      text-align: left;
      mix-blend-mode: exclusion;
      z-index: 2;
    .glitch-${variant}::before {
      background: repeating-linear-gradient(
        to right,
        transparent 2px,
        ${colors.before} 2px,
        ${colors.before} 4px
      animation: vertical-glitch-lines ${
        0.4 / intensity
      }s infinite steps(${Math.floor(intensity * 10)});
    .glitch-${variant}::after {
      background: repeating-linear-gradient(
        to right,
        transparent 2px,
        ${colors.after} 2px,
        ${colors.after} 4px
      animation: vertical-glitch-lines ${
        0.4 / intensity
      }s 0.15s infinite steps(${Math.floor(intensity * 10)});

    @keyframes vertical-glitch-lines {
      0% { clip-path: inset(0 0 100% 0); }
      25% { clip-path: inset(0 0 55% 0); }
      50% { clip-path: inset(45% 0 0 0); }
      75% { clip-path: inset(25% 0 75% 0); }
      100% { clip-path: inset(85% 0 0 0); }
        } else if (variant === "tv-glitch") {
          styleContent = `
    .glitch-wrapper-${variant} {
      position: relative;
      display: flex;
      align-items: start;
      justify-content: start;
    .glitch-${variant} {
      position: relative;
      color: ${colors.text};
      display: flex;
      align-items: start;
      justify-content: start;
      text-align: left;
    .glitch-${variant}::after {
      content: attr(data-text);
      position: absolute;
      opacity: 0.8;
      mix-blend-mode: exclusion;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      text-align: left;
      z-index: 2;
    .glitch-${variant}::before {
          to right,
          transparent ${intensity * 2}px,
          ${colors.before} ${intensity * 2}px,
          ${colors.before} ${intensity * 4}px
          to bottom,
          transparent ${intensity * 2}px,
          ${colors.before} ${intensity * 2}px,
          ${colors.before} ${intensity * 4}px
      animation: tv-glitch-lines ${
        0.4 / intensity
      }s infinite steps(${Math.floor(intensity * 10)});
    .glitch-${variant}::after {
          to right,
          transparent ${intensity * 2}px,
          ${colors.after} ${intensity * 2}px,
          ${colors.after} ${intensity * 4}px
          to bottom,
          transparent ${intensity * 2}px,
          ${colors.after} ${intensity * 2}px,
          ${colors.after} ${intensity * 4}px
      animation: tv-glitch-lines ${
        0.4 / intensity
      }s 0.15s infinite steps(${Math.floor(intensity * 10)});
    @keyframes tv-glitch-lines {
      0% { 
        clip-path: inset(0 0 100% 0);
        transform: translateX(0);
      25% { 
        clip-path: inset(0 0 55% 0);
        transform: translateX(${
          intensity * 2 * Number(Math.random().toFixed(2))
        }px) translateY(${intensity * 1 * Number(Math.random().toFixed(2))}px);
      50% { 
        clip-path: inset(45% 0 0 0);
        transform: translateX(-${
          intensity * 2 * Number(Math.random().toFixed(2))
        }px) translateY(-${intensity * 1 * Number(Math.random().toFixed(2))}px);
      75% { 
        clip-path: inset(25% 100% 75% 0);
        transform: translateX(${
          intensity * 1 * Number(Math.random().toFixed(2))
        }px) translateY(${intensity * 1 * Number(Math.random().toFixed(2))}px);
      100% { 
        clip-path: inset(85% 0 0 100%);
        transform: translateX(-${
          intensity * 1 * Number(Math.random().toFixed(2))
        }px) translateY(-${intensity * 1 * Number(Math.random().toFixed(2))}px);
        } else if (variant === "aggressive-glitch") {
          styleContent = `
    .glitch-wrapper-${variant} {
      position: relative;
      display: flex;
      align-items: start;
      justify-content: start;
    .glitch-${variant} {
      position: relative;
      color: ${colors.text};
      display: flex;
      align-items: start;
      justify-content: start;
      text-align: left;
    .glitch-${variant}::after {
      content: attr(data-text);
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      text-align: left;
    .glitch-${variant}::before {
      color: ${colors.before};
      animation: aggressive-glitch-before 0.5s infinite;
      z-index: -1;
    .glitch-${variant}::after {
      color: ${colors.after};
      animation: aggressive-glitch-after 0.5s infinite;
      z-index: -1;
    @keyframes aggressive-glitch {
      0% { transform: translate(0); }
      20% { transform: translate(-${intensity * 5}px, ${intensity * 5}px); }
      40% { transform: translate(${intensity * 5}px, -${intensity * 5}px); }
      60% { transform: translate(-${intensity * 5}px, -${intensity * 5}px); }
      80% { transform: translate(${intensity * 5}px, ${intensity * 5}px); }

      100% { transform: translate(0); }
    @keyframes aggressive-glitch-before {
      0% { transform: translate(0); }
      20% { transform: translate(${intensity * 4}px, -${intensity * 4}px); }
      40% { transform: translate(-${intensity * 4}px, ${intensity * 4}px); }
      60% { transform: translate(${intensity * 4}px, ${intensity * 4}px); }
      80% { transform: translate(-${intensity * 4}px, -${intensity * 4}px); }
      100% { transform: translate(0); }
    @keyframes aggressive-glitch-after {
      0% { transform: translate(0); }
      20% { transform: translate(-${intensity * 2}px, ${intensity * 2}px); }
      40% { transform: translate(${intensity * 2}px, -${intensity * 2}px); }
      60% { transform: translate(-${intensity * 2}px, -${intensity * 2}px); }
      80% { transform: translate(${intensity * 2}px, ${intensity * 2}px); }
      100% { transform: translate(0); }
        } else if (variant === "disappearing-fragments") {
          styleContent = `
    .glitch-wrapper-${variant} {
      position: relative;
      display: flex;
      align-items: start;
      justify-content: start;
    .glitch-${variant} {
      position: relative;
      color: ${colors.text};
      display: flex;
      align-items: start;
      justify-content: start;
      text-align: left;
    .glitch-${variant}::after {
      content: attr(data-text);
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      background: transparent;
      text-align: left;
    .glitch-${variant}::before {
      left: ${size === "sm" ? "1px" : "2px"};
      text-shadow: -2px 0 ${colors.before};
      clip: rect(24px, 550px, 90px, 0);
      animation: disappearing-glitch-anim-2 3s infinite linear alternate-reverse;
    .glitch-${variant}::after {
      left: -${size === "sm" ? "1px" : "2px"};
      text-shadow: -2px 0 ${colors.after};
      clip: rect(85px, 550px, 140px, 0);
      animation: disappearing-glitch-anim 2.5s infinite linear alternate-reverse;
    @keyframes disappearing-glitch-anim {
      0% { clip: rect(51px, 9999px, 28px, 0); }
      10% { clip: rect(33px, 9999px, 144px, 0); }
      20% { clip: rect(141px, 9999px, 61px, 0); }
      30% { clip: rect(97px, 9999px, 4px, 0); }
      40% { clip: rect(24px, 9999px, 24px, 0); }
      50% { clip: rect(36px, 9999px, 141px, 0); }
      60% { clip: rect(19px, 9999px, 26px, 0); }
      70% { clip: rect(65px, 9999px, 52px, 0); }
      80% { clip: rect(132px, 9999px, 61px, 0); }
      90% { clip: rect(28px, 9999px, 75px, 0); }
      100% { clip: rect(58px, 9999px, 86px, 0); }
    @keyframes disappearing-glitch-anim-2 {
      0% { clip: rect(132px, 9999px, 61px, 0); }
      10% { clip: rect(28px, 9999px, 75px, 0); }
      20% { clip: rect(58px, 9999px, 86px, 0); }
      30% { clip: rect(51px, 9999px, 28px, 0); }
      40% { clip: rect(33px, 9999px, 144px, 0); }
      50% { clip: rect(141px, 9999px, 61px, 0); }
      60% { clip: rect(97px, 9999px, 4px, 0); }
      70% { clip: rect(24px, 9999px, 24px, 0); }
      80% { clip: rect(36px, 9999px, 141px, 0); }
      90% { clip: rect(19px, 9999px, 26px, 0); }
      100% { clip: rect(65px, 9999px, 52px, 0); }
        } else if (variant === "line-glitch") {
          styleContent = `
    .glitch-wrapper-${variant} {
      position: relative;
      display: flex;
      align-items: start;
      justify-content: start;
    .glitch-${variant} {
      position: relative;
      color: ${colors.text};
      display: flex;
      align-items: start;
      justify-content: start;
      text-align: left;
    .glitch-${variant}::after {
      content: attr(data-text);
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      text-align: left;
    .glitch-${variant}::before {
      left: 2px;
      text-shadow: -2px 0 ${colors.before};
      clip: rect(44px, 450px, 56px, 0);
      animation: line-glitch-anim 5s infinite linear alternate-reverse;
    .glitch-${variant}::after {
      left: -2px;
      text-shadow: -2px 0 ${colors.after};
      clip: rect(44px, 450px, 56px, 0);
      animation: line-glitch-anim 7s infinite linear alternate-reverse;
    @keyframes line-glitch-anim {
      0% { clip: rect(44px, 450px, 56px, 0); }
      20% { clip: rect(24px, 450px, 36px, 0); }
      40% { clip: rect(64px, 450px, 76px, 0); }
      60% { clip: rect(84px, 450px, 96px, 0); }
      80% { clip: rect(104px, 450px, 116px, 0); }
      100% { clip: rect(44px, 450px, 56px, 0); }
        } else if (variant === "vhs-retro-glitch") {
          styleContent = `
            .glitch-wrapper-${variant} {
              position: relative;
              width: fit-content;
              height: fit-content;
              display: flex;
              align-items: start;
              justify-content: start;
            .glitch-${variant} {
              position: relative;
              color: ${colors.text};
              width: fit-content;
              height: fit-content;
              display: flex;
              align-items: start;
              justify-content: start;
              text-shadow: ${intensity * 0.1}em 0 0 rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75),
                          -${intensity * 0.1}em -${
            intensity * 0.1
          }em 0 rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.75),
                          ${intensity * 0.1}em ${
            intensity * 0.1
          }em 0 rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.75);
              animation: vhs-retro-glitch 500ms infinite;

            @keyframes vhs-retro-glitch {
            // base it on intensity
              0% { text-shadow: ${intensity * 0.1}em 0 0 rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75),
                                -${intensity * 0.1}em -${
            intensity * 0.1
          }em 0 rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.75),
                                ${intensity * 0.08}em ${
            intensity * 0.1
          }em 0 rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.75); }
              14% { text-shadow: ${
                intensity * 0.1
              }em 0 0 rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75),                
                                -${intensity * 0.1}em -${
            intensity * 0.08
          }em 0 rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.75),
                                -${intensity * 0.08}em ${
            intensity * 0.1
          }em 0 rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.75); }
              15% { text-shadow: -${intensity * 0.1}em -${
            intensity * 0.08
          }em 0 rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75),
                                ${intensity * 0.08}em ${
            intensity * 0.08
          }em 0 rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.75),
                                -${intensity * 0.1}em -${
            intensity * 0.1
          }em 0 rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.75); }
              49% { text-shadow: -${intensity * 0.1}em -${
            intensity * 0.08
          }em 0 rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75),
                                ${intensity * 0.08}em ${
            intensity * 0.08
          }em 0 rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.75),
                                -${intensity * 0.1}em -${
            intensity * 0.1
          }em 0 rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.75); }
              50% { text-shadow: ${intensity * 0.08}em ${
            intensity * 0.1
          }em 0 rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75),
                                ${intensity * 0.08}em 0 0 rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.75),
                                ${intensity * 0.08}em -${
            intensity * 0.1
          }em 0 rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.75); }
              99% { text-shadow: ${intensity * 0.08}em ${
            intensity * 0.1
          }em 0 rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75),
                                ${intensity * 0.1}em 0 0 rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.75),
                                0 -${
                                  intensity * 0.1
                                }em 0 rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.75); }
              100% { text-shadow: -${
                intensity * 0.08
              }em 0 0 rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75),
                                -${intensity * 0.08}em -${
            intensity * 0.08
          }em 0 rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.75),
                                -${intensity * 0.08}em -${
            intensity * 0.1
          }em 0 rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.75); }
        } else if (variant === "chromatic-aberration") {
          styleContent = `
            .glitch-wrapper-${variant} {
              position: relative;
              width: fit-content;
              height: fit-content;
              display: flex;
              align-items: start;
              justify-content: start;
            .glitch-${variant} {
              position: relative;
              color: ${colors.text};
              width: fit-content;
              height: fit-content;
              display: flex;
              align-items: start;
              justify-content: start;
            .glitch-${variant}::after {
              content: attr(data-text);
              position: absolute;
              top: 0;
              left: 0;
              width: fit-content;
              height: fit-content;
              opacity: 0.8;
              text-align: left;
            .glitch-${variant}::before {
              color: #f0f;
              z-index: -1;
              animation: chromatic-aberration 2s infinite linear alternate-reverse;
            .glitch-${variant}::after {
              color: #0ff;
              z-index: -1;
              animation: chromatic-aberration 2s infinite linear alternate-reverse reverse;
            @keyframes chromatic-aberration {
              0% { transform: translate(0); }
              20% { transform: translate(-2px, 2px) skew(${intensity * 2}deg, ${
            intensity * 1
          }deg); }
              40% { transform: translate(2px, -2px) skew(-${
                intensity * 2
              }deg, -${intensity * 1}deg); }
              60% { transform: translate(-1px, -1px) skew(${
                intensity * 2
              }deg, -${intensity * 1}deg); }

              80% { transform: translate(1px, 1px) skew(-${
                intensity * 2
              }deg, -${intensity * 1}deg); }
              100% { transform: translate(0); }
        } else if (variant === "color-box-glitch") {
          styleContent = `
            .glitch-wrapper-${variant} {
              position: relative;
              width: fit-content;
              height: fit-content;
              display: flex;
              align-items: start;
              justify-content: start;
            .glitch-${variant} {
              position: relative;
              display: flex;
              align-items: start;
              justify-content: start;
              color: ${colors.text};
              width: fit-content;
              height: fit-content;
            .glitch-${variant}::after {
              content: attr(data-text);
              position: absolute;
              top: 0;
              left: 0;
              width: fit-content;
              height: fit-content;
              opacity: 0.8;
              text-align: left;
            .glitch-${variant}::before {
              color: #f0f;
              background: rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.2);
              animation: color-box-glitch ${1.5 / intensity}s infinite;
            .glitch-${variant}::after {
              color: #0ff;
              background: rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.2);
              animation: color-box-glitch ${1.5 / intensity}s 0.5s infinite;
            @keyframes color-box-glitch {
            // use the intensity to determine the size of the glitch
              0% { clip-path: inset(${
                intensity * 140 * Math.random()
              }% 0 0 0); }
              10% { clip-path: inset(${intensity * 140 * Math.random()}% 0 ${
            intensity * 140 * Math.random()
          }% 0); }
              20% { clip-path: inset(0 ${intensity * 140 * Math.random()}% ${
            intensity * 140 * Math.random()
          }% 0); }
              30% { clip-path: inset(${intensity * 140 * Math.random()}% 0 0 ${
            intensity * 140 * Math.random()
          }%); }
              40% { clip-path: inset(0 0 ${intensity * 140 * Math.random()}% ${
            intensity * 140 * Math.random()
          }%); }
              50% { clip-path: inset(${intensity * 140 * Math.random()}% 0 0 ${
            intensity * 140 * Math.random()
          }%); }
              60% { clip-path: inset(0 ${intensity * 140 * Math.random()}% ${
            intensity * 140 * Math.random()
          }% 0); }
              70% { clip-path: inset(${intensity * 140 * Math.random()}% 0 0 ${
            intensity * 140 * Math.random()
          }%); }
              80% { clip-path: inset(0 ${intensity * 140 * Math.random()}% ${
            intensity * 140 * Math.random()
          }% 0); }
              90% { clip-path: inset(0 0 ${intensity * 140 * Math.random()}% ${
            intensity * 140 * Math.random()
          }%); }
              100% { clip-path: inset(0 0 0 ${
                intensity * 140 * Math.random()
              }%); }

        style.textContent = styleContent

        return () => {
    }, [variant, colors, intensity, size, fontProperties])

    const content = (
          glitchTextVariants({ variant, size, className }),
        {...(label && { "aria-label": label })}
        {variant === "wave"
          ? text.split("").map((char, index) => (
                className={size === "sm" ? "mt-4" : "mt-8"}
                style={{ "--i": index } as React.CSSProperties}
                {char === " " ? "\u00A0" : char}
          : text}
        {srOnly && <span className="sr-only">{srOnly}</span>}

    if (disableAnimations) {
      return (
          className={cn(`glitch-wrapper-${variant}`, className)}
          <span className={`glitch-${variant}`}>{content}</span>

    return (
        variants={zyfloFadeInFromBottomVariants as unknown as Variants}
        viewport={{ once: true }}
        transition={{ duration: 0.3, delay: 0 }}
          variants={zyfloFadeInFromTopVariants as unknown as Variants}
          viewport={{ once: true }}

ZyfloGlitchText.displayName = "ZyfloGlitchText"

export default ZyfloGlitchText


Here's a basic example of how to use the ZyfloGlitchText component:

import ZyfloGlitchText from "@/components/zyflo/glitch-text"

export default function MyPage() {
    return (
            text="Glitch Text Example"
            text: "#FFFFFF",
            after: "#FF0000",
            before: "#0000FF"


Here are examples of how to use the ZyfloGlitchText component with different variants:

Color Glitch

Zyflo Window Preview
Color Glitch

Noise Glitch

Zyflo Window Preview
Noise Glitch

Transformation Glitch

Zyflo Window Preview
Transformation Glitch

Wave Glitch

Zyflo Window Preview
Wave Glitch

Pixelate Glitch

Zyflo Window Preview
Pixelate Glitch

Flicker Glitch

Zyflo Window Preview
Flicker Glitch

Aggressive Glitch

Zyflo Window Preview
Aggressive Glitch

Disappearing Fragments

Zyflo Window Preview
Disappearing Fragments

TV Glitch

Zyflo Window Preview
TV Glitch

Vertical Glitch

Zyflo Window Preview
Vertical Glitch

Line Glitch

Zyflo Window Preview
Line Glitch

VHS Retro Glitch

Zyflo Window Preview
VHS Retro Glitch

Chromatic Aberration

Zyflo Window Preview
Chromatic Aberration

Color Box Glitch

Zyflo Window Preview
Color Box Glitch


The ZyfloGlitchText component accepts the following props:

Quick Props Overview

ZyfloGlitchText Component Props
variantThe glitch effect variant to apply
textThe text content to display with the glitch effect
sizeThe size of the glitch text
colorsCustom colors for the glitch effect
intensityThe intensity of the glitch effect
disableAnimationsWhether to disable animations
srOnlyText for screen readers only
labelAccessible label for the glitch text
classNameAdditional CSS classes to apply to the component

Detailed Props Overview


  • Type: ZyfloGlitchTextVariant
  • Default: "color"

Defines the glitch effect variant to apply. Possible values are:

  • "color"
  • "noise"
  • "wave"
  • "slice"
  • "blur"


  • Type: string
  • Required: Yes

The text content to display with the glitch effect.


  • Type: "sm" | "md" | "lg"
  • Default: "md"

The size of the glitch text.


  • Type: { text?: string; after?: string; before?: string }
  • Default: { text: "#FFFFFF", after: "#FF0000", before: "#0000FF" }

Custom colors for the glitch effect. You can specify colors for the main text, and the "after" and "before" pseudo-elements.


  • Type: number
  • Default: 1

The intensity of the glitch effect. Higher values create more pronounced glitches.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

If set to true, disables all animations in the glitch text.


  • Type: string
  • Required: No

Text that is only visible to screen readers, improving accessibility.


  • Type: string
  • Required: No

An accessible label for the glitch text, used for aria-label attribute.


  • Type: string
  • Required: No

Additional CSS classes to apply to the component for further customization.


The ZyfloGlitchText component can be customized using the following props:

  • variant: Choose from various glitch effect styles.
  • size: Adjust the size of the text.
  • colors: Customize the colors used in the glitch effect.
  • intensity: Control the intensity of the glitch effect.
  • className: Add custom CSS classes for further styling.


The ZyfloGlitchText component includes several features to enhance accessibility:

  • srOnly: Provides text that is only visible to screen readers.
  • label: Adds an aria-label to the component for better description.
  • Semantic HTML: Uses appropriate HTML elements for better structure.


  • The component uses Framer Motion for animations. Ensure you have Framer Motion installed in your project.
  • Some glitch effects may not be suitable for users with photosensitive epilepsy. Use caution when implementing intense glitch effects.
  • The disableAnimations prop can be used to create a static version of the glitch text, which may be preferable for some users or situations.


If you have suggestions for improving the ZyfloGlitchText component or have found any issues, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on our GitHub repository.